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Showing posts from September, 2019

The laburnum tree question answers

Landscape of the soul Hindi translation

Landscape of the soul Class 11 summary in hindi कहानी पश्चिमी और पूर्वी देशों में कलाकारों की सुंदरता और इच्छाओं की अलग-अलग भावना को उजागर करती है। जबकि पश्चिमी आंख सटीक रूप से जीवन को शारीरिक रूप से देखने के लिए तरसती है, पूर्व में कलाकार शिल्प के साथ एक सक्रिय और भावनात्मक जुड़ाव अधिक पसंद करते हैं। वे चाहते हैं कि दर्शक काम में अपना रास्ता खोजें और कलाकृति की प्रशंसा और विश्लेषण करने के लिए विभिन्न दृष्टिकोण खोजें। उनके लिए, यह मूल चीज़ की एक मात्र कार्बन कॉपी से अधिक मंत्र है और इसमें कल्पना, विश्वास और भावनात्मक गहराई की अधिक शक्तियां शामिल हैं। वे अपने काम में आध्यात्मिकता की गहरी भावना पैदा करते हैं जो इसे जितना दिखता है उससे अधिक वास्तविक बनाता है। लेखक ने अपनी बात को साबित करने के लिए तीन कहानियों का उल्लेख किया है: दो चीनी लोककथाओं से और एक बेल्जियम से। कहानी 1 (Landscape of the soul story 1 in hindi) पहली कहानी सम्राट के शासन में वू डाओजी नामक एक मध्यकालीन चीनी कलाकार के बारे में है। वह रीजेंट द्वारा अपने निवास की दीवारों को पेंट करने के लिए कहा गया था। उन्होंन...

Hieroglyph and coptic language

Hieroglyph  Coptic alphabet 

The winged Godess on Tut's burrial shrine

Nike In Greek Mythology, Nike was the  GODDESS  of speed, strength and victory. Also known as Winged Goddess, Nike is most often pictured as having wings. She was the child of Pallas (Titan) and Styx In most beliefs, Styx is the name of the river that separates Planet Earth from the Gates of Hell (Hades). The River Styx was named for Nike’s grandfather Tethys. Nike and her three sisters, Zelus (Zeal/power), Bic(Force) and Kralas (Strength) were brought by Styx to Zeus to assist him in the great  TITAN BATTLE whose ultimate goal was to gain control of Mount Olympus.

Ancient Egyptian myths for different constellation

Orion the Hunter appears in the winter sky, with his bow and his hunting dogs, Canis Major and Canis Minor, trailing behind him. Greek mythology tells us that Orion was known as a talented hunter. His boast that he could rid the Earth of all the wild animals, however, angered the Earth goddess, Gaia. She sent a scorpion to defeat Orion. Orion tried to battle the scorpion, but he quickly realized that he could not shoot his arrow through the creature’s armor. To avoid the scorpion, he jumped into the sea. It was then that Apollo (the Greek god of the Sun) decided to take action. He pointed out to his twin sister, Artemis, a small black object in the sea. Claiming it was a horrible villain, he dared her to shoot it with her bow and arrow. Artemis easily hit the target. When she swam out to retrieve her victim, however, she discovered that the villain was her friend, Orion. Artemis begged the gods to bring Orion back to life, but they refused. So, instead, she put Orion’s pictur...

Tut s mummy explanation with images

Dust devil (movie animation)  Dust devil (actual)  Tut's Treasures Forensic reconstruction image of Tut Process of mummification Real image of Tut's mummy The previous collar 

Grammar :Types of sentences : simple, complex and compound Independent and dependent clauses

Independent Clause An independent clause is a group of words that contains a subject and verb and expresses a complete thought. An independent clause is a sentence. Jim studied in the Sweet Shop for his chemistry quiz. Dependent Clause A dependent clause is a group of words that contains a subject and verb but does not express a complete thought. A dependent clause cannot be a sentence. Often a dependent clause is marked by a  dependent marker word . When  Jim studied in the Sweet Shop for his chemistry quiz . . . (What happened when he studied? The thought is incomplete.) Dependent Marker Word A dependent marker word is a word added to the beginning of an independent clause that makes it into a dependent clause. When  Jim studied in the Sweet Shop for his chemistry quiz, it was very noisy. Some common dependent markers are:  after ,  although ,  as ,  as if ,  because ,  before ,  even if ,  even though ,  ...

Grammar : Question tags

Tag questions Tag questions (or question tags) turn a statement into a question. They are often used for checking information that we think we know is true. Tag questions are made using an auxiliary verb (for example:  be  or  have ) and a subject pronoun (for example:  I, you, she ). Negative question tags are usually contracted: It's warm today,  isn't  it (not 'is it not') Usually if the main clause is  positive , the question tag is  negative , and if the main clause is  negative , it's  positive . For example: It's cold (positive), isn't it (negative)? And: It isn't cold (negative), is it (positive)? If the main clause has an auxiliary verb in it, you use the same verb in the tag question. If there is no auxiliary verb (in the present simple and past simple) use  do / does / did  (just like when you make a normal question). There is one weird exception: the question tag after  I am  is  aren't...