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Showing posts from October, 2019

Unseen poetry peraphrasing answer.

If there is no-one responding to your call - then go on all alone If no-one speaks (to you), oh you unfortunate person, if non-one speaks (to you), If everyone turns away, if everyone fears (to speak), then with an open heart without hesitation speak your mind alone If everyone walks away, O unlucky one, everyone walks away If no-one looks back towards the (your) unpredictable path, then with thorn pricked (of the path) bloodied feet, walk alone If no-one heeds your call - then walk alone If no-one shines a light (on the path), O unlucky one, If the dark night brings a storm at the door - then let the lightning ignite the light in you alone to shine on the path  If no-one heeds your call - then walk alone


Global warming  Global warming is the continuous rise in warming of the earth’s surface due to the increased level of carbon dioxide gas in the environment. Global warming has become a big issue which need to be solved by the positive initiation of countries all over the world. As gradual increase in the earth temperature calls various threats as well as makes the existence of life hard on this planet. It enhances the gradual and permanent changes in the earth’s climate and thus affecting the nature’s balance. Rise in the CO2 level on the earth impacts the human life to a great level through continued heat waves, sudden occurrence of strong storms, unpredictable and unexpected cyclone, damage to ozone layer, floods, heavy rain, drought, lack of food, diseases, death etc. It has been researched that increasing emissions of CO2 in the atmosphere is because of the nonstop burning of fossil fuels, usage of fertilizers, cutting forests, extra use of electricity, gases us...