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Unseen poetry peraphrasing answer.

If there is no-one responding to your call - then go on all alone
If no-one speaks (to you), oh you unfortunate person, if non-one speaks (to you),
If everyone turns away, if everyone fears (to speak), then with an open heart without hesitation speak your mind alone
If everyone walks away, O unlucky one, everyone walks away
If no-one looks back towards the (your) unpredictable path, then with thorn pricked (of the path) bloodied feet, walk alone
If no-one heeds your call - then walk alone
If no-one shines a light (on the path), O unlucky one,
If the dark night brings a storm at the door - then let the lightning ignite the light in you alone to shine on the path 
If no-one heeds your call - then walk alone


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